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The World Factbook 2004 (EPWING)
2004.11.01       Ver. 0.1

0. Install []
Unpack the archive under any desired parent directory, preserving the internal directory structure packed.

1. Source []
Original Data:
The World Factbook 2004 (factbook2004.zip - 30,977 KB)
[Last updated: 19 October, 2004]
[Covers of 2004]
Online Version & Search:
CIA - The World Factbook
The online Factbook is updated periodically throughout the year. The latest information should be checked here.

Prepared and Edited by:
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), USA.

Copyright & License:
Public domain

2. Conversion []
Converted to the JIS X 4081:2002 (a subset of EPWING-V1.0) format with:
EBStudio v1.64
(for Windows [JP], shareware)

3. Specification []
268 entities (192 countries and 76 areas)
560 (257 flags, maps, etc.)
Search methods:
Prefix/suffix, cross, complex and menu
Stop words: (Remove them from search-word)
[ ]Space, [']Apostrophe, [-]Hyphen

Other data files:
Reference maps in .PDF format (zoom ratio: up to 6,400%) are included in a separate directly for only the convenience of further referencing, and they are not directly related to or not necessary to use this electric dictionary software. Other data files, namely tab-delimited texts for the Rank Orders to be used with a spreadsheet application and printer-friendly .htm files that are available in the original file are excluded.

4. Verified []
Operating System:
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows 98

EPWING viewer:
DDwin v2.64

5. Recommendable EPWING viewer []
DDwin v2.64
(for Windows [JP], freeware)

6. Copyright & License []
The original data (all texts and images) are in the public domain. This SOFTWARE in the format of JIS X 4081:2002 is a freeware, and permission to copy, modify and redistribute for any purpose without fee or royalty, and to use for non-commercial is hereby granted.

7. No Warranty & Liability []
This SOFTWARE is provided absolutely "as is" without any express or implied warranties of any kind including noninfringement of the intellectual property right or fitness for any particular purposes. There are no liabilities, whether direct or indirect, consequential or contingent, special or incidental, and exemplary or punitive, related to or arising from the use of this software.

8. History []
2004.11.01  0.11st release.

9. Converted by []

[] inserted by FC2 system